Hurricanes are now twice as likely to zip from minor to whopper than decades ago, study says
In my brain research lab, I am saying that. I am never required to use a lab. It’s a super simple analysis. But bad luck continues to destroy everything, then we know. It has no value whatsoever. My question is why we don’t know before it happens! What caused the hurricane to hit two times? What we accomplished! Please, can any scientist, researcher, or policy maker respond to this question? A few years ago, why did we not research hurricane floods and how they are created? Wow, interesting. Even research has never found it right. So if you are advanced a few million to billion years after that, you will see the next challenge, like the hurricane speed of 2023 at 200-500 km/h, for example. The hurricane speed at 2900 will be between 10-20 kmph. Hehe. This is the truth. Tell me why the universe is reacting now! What you really need to research is which cities are safe. One day to destroy. 200+ major earthquakes in 200+ countries. See God’s very simple theory. Smart technology, cars, buildings, and anything else never work. Stop paying those greedy scientists and researchers who are giving us hope instead of anything else. God said it was easy for him. By his power, he will say start and it will happen. That is not something most people comprehend! Where trillion calculations are automatically done. He doesn’t need to do anything. It’s simple common sense that you may not think, but I think it. How? In Excel, can you set an automatic calculation using a formula? Hehe, why does God not set things like that! Without a doubt, there is a formula. But out of human mind because of limitations in technology, TV screens, Excel, and computers. Try making it in 3D. You will see it better. How can I copy millions of cubes using Python scripting? God does exactly what He does in real life, not in 3D. Every single matter we copy from the universe. How? Fluid simulation made using natural ocean fact , how forms created. 3D renderings in our minds with GPU graphics can create a realistic impression of the universe when watched realistically. 3D VR, arguing reality, whatever you say. Come from the eye concept. Eye see everything in 3D! We are copying everything. So who researches trillion years? 24 hours, any common sense how does his brain work! To understand that, ask a person with more than 50 years of experience to perform a specific task. He will do it in few hours because he is an expert! But a lot of time I sleep. If the same research is done by AI, it will be done in a second. Where God is always awake. Sleep cannot touch him. So by watching, create all theories. No matter its destruction or death. Either technology or collapse.
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Or destroy humanity using a simple math set by God. Like Excel, if 2023 is an advanced year with 100-300 km wind hurricanes, flash floods, and earthquakes of magnitude. If humanity advances in 2030, all natural disasters will be set at that speed or parameters. If the universe sets a maximum year until its collapse. That exact level of speed of natural disasters will attack humanity. By any means, we have no scope. He has the power to control everything. What I am saying will match it in the next decade! Dish antenna, you made it! Hehe, he did it through you. To receive a signal. Whatever we made, he did it and helped you learn. And that is exactly how science sees it! He said forever that you never find any idea where brain limitations exist. Exactly true, how? 500 BC was ever thought to be the date, but scientists now know differently! Ask any scientists if they or their old family know if twice the flood speed will happen in 2023! You never knew any technology in the world. Now you tell me we made a car! Interesting, not you. He made it through you why! Millions to billions of cars will use fuel. And fuel can destroy the Earth’s core. See who’s clever! Now you found out to stop burning fuel! If you are truly knowledgeable about 500 BC. Don’t do it! So every year, what we do is not what he did. To destroy us at the next level. Be cautious. Your money cannot save you. The senses only know reality. He is open to challenging any scientist graduate or education, whatever you say. They never find it! Only God can tell the truth. A few decades ago, you saw my poor English. Now who should fix it? Ofcourse God! When he needs it, it automatically creates any technology no matter what it is. Example of auto-correcting software for English, auto technology, and AI. Do you know the idea of encode and decode? Language is a similar thing. Magical change.
Anyway, so if the existing research fails. If you want to detect something before a serious violation, then you always need me. Simple global situations you cannot fix! Think before you take action. So God has the detailed answer when humans make advanced ideas about fuel. In another time when natural disasters affect you, so you should stop using fuel! See how interesting the theory is.