Everyone Love Interview call email right! wow I got an invitation? But do you know I am some type of person reject few hundred even thousand company invitation. No matter who is this. Yea Previous time did in Business bay too. But Now did another company in Business Bay even well reputed place building. I research something that’s why where Most Company Simply way can not think.

So when Interview is Circus/Joke. Ever think it? You can not trick me like other. Not after end my life and money learn that. Detect instantly the fact. So thats Why Brain challenges for most Interviewer. What is interview meaning? Call unnecessary people as Interview?
Based on Wiki A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired.
Interviews are one of the most common methods of employee selection
So what the statement a Employer Selection. The Applicant Should get hired. If few thousand interview call email and forever you are not selected mean that is false interview. Atleast get response is correct. So clear who’s hiring manager decision Maker Founder not care. HR, Administrative should not select anyone.
If select anyone its fine. Forward The resume First they can learn 24 hours . When ensure 80% best person then call for interview is simple logic!.
After leave business Bay job. I found fraud Interview. not everyone ofcourse. Some company who have high end office but employee or Hr. permission never grant by founder or wait for final decision. very simple solution give all evidence to founder. By watching what they learn!. a person will make plane for them? then what? there is clear activity he can see in online. No need to call for interview! Then I will say that founder never know what decision making.
Suggest to them if you like anything but you are direct power less. I mean not decision maker. Please Forward it to decision maker with All requirement. As a HR I will leave the job for prestige issue. Disrespect HR . But I meet HR who have direct hiring power. Office manager,Office admin,Reciptionst too . After his selection Boss meet 2-5 min get hired. Even those leader meet with some president. Has 30-50+ body guard.
So be careful for any false interview offer to me. Direct Founder, decision Maker after his decision no one talk anything else nor disagree by his or her selection. Just only This type of interview I will accept next!.
I will track Those company founder few years where they will go. Then ofcouse meet them again! How I think atleast few years ago your company challenge. Only Serious Company I love and do for them. Not those who are thinking forever for nothing. Truth is in their whole life can not do anything. I have Guarantee without confusion. even challenge I will leave my career forever. yea condition without cheat they should do or any dishonesty. I don’t care any short list. Long list whatever . So maximum 1-2 month now its fixed. Those Interview or meeting waste my time. Thanks for understanding. if founder everything. Then as a HR I will forward all to Founder. Where you don’t know hiring challenge always need me!
Even don’t call me until you talk with founder. if you can not talk . its ok give me founder number so I can dicuss before accept interview.